Supporting Mockingbird - a charity that helps neurodiverse children

February 28, 2021 · Latest News

Mockingbirds are amazing birds. They listen first and then respond, they are intelligent, playful and have unique abilities and learn through their curiosity. So it is the perfect name for the Mockingbird Charitable Trust.

Mockingbird is a wonderful organisation which aims to provide a safe and supportive social environment for neuro diverse children, youth and their families.  Founded in 2016 the organisation has been growing since inception, they have even moved into a new premises in Tauranga to be able to help more families!

So what is neurodiversity?

It is a term used to describe people who are wired differently. Children who have a negative experience of feeling different, suffering from loneliness, fear, and anxiety, and for whom their everyday world feels like a threatening judgemental place. The children are all unique with their skills, abilities and personalities. 

However, sadly one thing they have all had in common is the negativity they have experienced in many aspects of their lives, education, socialisation, and acceptance.  This leads to low self esteem and depression.

 'When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower' - Alexander Den Heijer

At Mockingbird, the children are celebrated for who they are and actively encouraged to explore their curiosities. They are a diverse and self-determining bunch who need special understanding and support to achieve wellbeing and success in life.

So what does Mockingbird do?

1. Offer a day program 3 days a week supporting children and their families
2. Provide optional activities such as IT, performing arts, games, arts and crafts and more
3. A Behaviour Consultant is on hand to provide clinical guidance and advice
4. Workshops for parents and caregivers on how to support A-typical children 

    It all began when Natasha from Mockingbird reached out to us to ask if we could support their organisation and of course we said yes! We love supporting our local community when we can.

    We donated a Jumpflex trampoline and knew it would be going to a good cause! Trampolines help kids to improve their balance, coordination and motor skills as well as being great exercise! Parents from Mockingbird told us “It’s a great activity for our kids because it provides sensory input whilst also helping them to expel some energy.” The kids also have so much fun on the trampoline!

    Want to know more about the Mockingbird organisation or donate to their charity? Check out their website here.